We held the annual Welcome Fair which was, as always, a great success.  We hosted companies both local and national who gave away freebies and important advice for new and returning students.   Bolton FM joined us this year and gave students the opportunity to look behind the scenes and volunteer at Bolton FM if they wanted to.

A few days later the Societies and Sporting Clubs got together in the Mall for the Student Activities Day.  Lots of you joined Societies and Sporting Clubs and got to chat with the officers and try out various activities.  The numbers of you involved with Societies is growing year on year, which is fantastic!  We also have a number of Academic Societies waiting for approval, but remember, anyone can join any Society and if you can’t find a Society you would like to be involved in, come to the SU and we will help you to start one.

Jess commenced Course Representative training, aiming to help our Reps become the best they can be.   Course Reps are elected volunteers who represent the views and opinions of their fellow peers. They empower the student voice and relay important feedback to the University and Bolton SU.   

The CEC’s took ‘SU on Tour’ out and about for the first time this academic year.  Look out for them across all campuses, if you have any feedback, good or bad, you can tell us and we will make sure the relevant staff are informed and will do our best to help resolve any issues you may have along with passing on positive feedback.  You don’t have to wait for SU On Tour to visit your campus if you have an issue or positive comments you want to pass on, drop in to the SU or use the feedback form on this website.

The first of our Give it a Go sessions took place this month, starting with Origami.  Amy brushed up on her Origami skills and students joined her and made some very interesting origami animals and objects!  Students reported it was a fun afternoon and they left feeling proud of their new skills and said “it was a welcome distraction from Uni work, but in a good way!”

We held a number of awareness days this month starting with:-

World Mental Health Day.  We asked students and staff to indicate their stress levels on our stress-o-metre.  We gave out advice and information leaflets and did crafting activities in the afternoon.  CEC’s and students made pom poms and dream catchers.  We reminded students that however they are feeling, they can come into the SU and we will help.

Next we held a Breast Cancer Awareness Day.  You will have noticed the pink stand outside the SU and staff wore pink too.  We gave out over 300 information leaflets to male and females as breast cancer affects both. 

Finally we held an Organ Donation Awareness Day.  Leaflets were given out, along with cultural information and real life stories.  We had good number of students joining the organ donation scheme on the day via the CECs iPads. 

We also squeezed in Meningitis Awareness Week.  The CECs did a different activity each day, we had a stand outside the SU and gave away freebies and information. 

Photographs of all our events and activities are posted on Facebook and on the website.     


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Registered Office: Bolton Students' Union, Deane Road, Bolton, BL3 5AB 
Registered in England Company Number: 8659862
Registered Charity Number: 1153573