You elected your new SU President this month; Vivienne Newton. Vivienne is an MA student and Community Engagement Coordinator at the SU. Vivienne told us she is looking forward to this exciting opportunity and will work hard to represent the student body at the University of Bolton. Vivienne added that she would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who voted for her. You can see more on the Leadership Race results here.
Winners of the SU Student Experience Fund were announced in March. The winners will take a share of a £25,000 fund which will make their big ideas happen. A few examples of the big ideas to be implemented are the refurbishment of the Pool tables at Orlando Halls, the Society of Compassion, Hope and Joy will put on a 3 day wellbeing experience at the University, a water fountain will be installed in Bolton One and a licence will be purchased for GoinGlobal software to allow all students to access country-specific career and employment information.
The Students’ Union were the co-organisers of the inaugural TEDxUniversityofBolton 2016 event. The theme was ‘Crossing Paths – Intersecting Ideas.’ Every speaker was given a standing ovation following their talk and “simply inspirational” was one description of the event.
Aymen Mohamed, a Master's student in business at the University of Bolton who was working with the marketing team and press relations for TEDxUniversityofBolton, said, “The event was a huge hit. Everyone left with a smile on their faces and that’s what we wanted. The speakers were absolutely fantastic and left the audience inspired. The volunteers working towards this have truly shown how skilled they are, and I am truly honoured to have worked with such an amazing team”.
The SU is already excited for TEDxUniversityofBolton 2017. Find more on TEDxUniversityofBolton here.
As part of the University’s celebration of Diversity Day, we wanted to highlight and celebrate just how diverse our student body is in a fun and interactive way. The CEC’s covered a large board in paper with the heading ‘Where In The World Are You From?’ They encouraged students to draw an outline of their hand and write their name and where they are from inside the drawn hand. As the day progressed the board filled up and the hands started to join up which looked amazing. All these hands showed just how diverse our student body is with students from Libya, Germany, Holland, Babylon, Nigeria and many more. See more on Diversity Day here.
Keeping Wednesday afternoons free was one of Arthur’s pledges when he asked the student body to elect him as President of the SU.
We can now confirm that for MOST full-time undergraduate courses there will be no scheduled classes on a Wednesday afternoon.
This will free up students to participate in recreational and competitive sports, allow societies to meet up, students to organise study groups, Bolton Award enrichment activities will be planned for Wednesday afternoons; in general, support service enrichment activities will be much more widely available for students. The SU are planning to use the SLZ on Wednesday afternoons for social activities, eg, board games, challenges, etc. If you have any ideas, call in and tell us!
Registered Office: Bolton Students' Union, Deane Road, Bolton, BL3 5AB
Registered in England Company Number: 8659862
Registered Charity Number: 1153573